Login Details
We recommend that your username and password login details simply be your Surf Club name without spaces. E.g. SurfVolleySLSC or ArcadiaSLSC (This will make it easier to transfer information if you leave your role at the Club)
Program Dates
- If you are not able to fit 8 sessions into your calendar we will, where possible, negotiate a price.
- A SurfVolley session can take the form of
- Regular Nippers program
- Christmas Party or other special event
- Inter-Club carnival/challenge (max 3 hours)
- Other – talk to us if you have an idea.
- (Note: SurfVolley Inflatable may be available for such events @ $250/day – Surf Club to organize generator and transport costs)
- Failure to inform SurfVolley admin or coaches of date changes or cancellations will result in that particular session being forfeited.
- If a date is cancelled with more than 48hrs however, we will adjust your end of year invoice.
- We cannot carry on dates to following seasons.
- We will follow your individual SLSC policy. Please advise your coach via text/call once you’ve decided that the session will be cancelled.
- Where possible, we will endeavor to reschedule any lost dates due to weather or unforeseen circumstances (within the current season).
- We will invoice you for 50% at the time of your first SurfVolley session and then the final 50% after your last session for the season.
- Failure to pay the first installment by the 4th SurfVolley session may result in the following 4 sessions being cancelled.
- Equipment should be stored securely at your Surf Club and are your responsibility (balls can be tempting – keep them safe).
- Where possible, have the equipment out and ready for your coaches upon arrival each week.
- You retain ownership of the equipment only once the final payment of the season is made. Any outstanding monies mean you will not officially own the equipment.
- Should you be using the equipment outside of the SurfVolley program, it is your responsibility to keep the kits complete and in good condition. Spare parts are available at cost to the Club. Should the equipment fall below standard we will be in touch to for you to purchase more.
- We recommend balls be renewed each year. To make any purchases at participating Club discount rates (just ask your State Manager for the PROMO CODE). Purchases are made online via our website.
Communication and contact
- For matters relating directly to your program, please contact your State Manager
- Your State Manager will provide you and your Coaching team with a Run Sheet prior to the commencement of your program. Please check all details and confirm at least a week prior to your first date.
Your Surf Club allows SurfVolley to use images and video taken during SurfVolley programs from time to time for various promotions including social media, marketing material etc.
To download these click here